The first Ukrainian trading app
The first

ICU Trade is the first mobile app for purchasing government bonds online. It provides clients with a user-friendly interface for portfolio management, real-time updates, superior security, and easy access to the trading platform.

ICU is an independent financial group that provides brokerage and asset management services

Ukraine has no native applications for managing DGBs. There was an attempt, but it hasn't resulted in a concrete solution. The challenge for any company wishing to enter this field is in the infrastructure required to support DGBs, as well as in obtaining regulatory approval from the National Bank of Ukraine and the Securities and Exchange Commission. Auxility's team studied successful trading applications from around the world, including Robinhood and Halyk Invest, in order to create a new application that would meet local needs.

What we've accomplished
Convenient access to the trading platform, notifications, real time updates, and advanced security.
Challenges we've overcome
With world's best practices in mind, we developed a mobile app to ensure smooth operations.
We assigned thirteen professionals to the project: six engineers (backend, frontend, android, iOS), one designer, one business analyst, one project manager, one delivery manager and an experienced QA.
<To date, there are no domestic government bond management applications in Ukraine. Therefore Auxility has become the trailblazer and created something new and unique for this market.>
The primary challenge we faced was to discover the best way to connect stocks with regulatory bodies, as well as build a secure and robust infrastructure.
Solutions we’ve come up with
Auxility delivered an optimized client experience in portfolio management, with just a few clicks required to manage assets.
ICU needed a complex solution with advanced sales automation — and our team delivered all this flawlessly and on time
To help ICU gain more users, we created a website with sophisticated lead magnet features.


<Military bonds purchasing>
Users can purchase government wartime bonds to support Ukraine's economy and bring the victory closer.
<User verification>
User verification through FaceID, TouchID, and name & password protects users from fraud and data breaches.

<Diia integration>
To make the authentication process faster, we implemented integration with Diia, a Ukrainian state portal of electronic services.

Our chatbot with advanced sales logic reduces pressure on the Customer Support Team by answering common yet tough questions.
How we did it

Research & analysis
<We discovered that most ICU users are not professional traders. Hence, the UX of the app was designed to be rather simplistic and intuitive. We also defined a frictionless customer journey for entering the market and selling and/or buying without extensive trading experience./>
Auxility created a fully functional mobile application for management of DGBs (Domestic Government Bonds). The app was developed to help Ukrainians stay up-to-date with the fundamentals of the specific national market.
With numerous tools available and fast access to real-time government bond data, ICU users have everything they need right in their pocket to navigate through DGBs market easily and manage their assets on the go.
Studying ICU users, we discovered that most of them were not professional traders. Hence, the UX of the app was designed to be rather simplistic and intuitive. We defined a simple customer journey for entering the market and selling and/or buying with little experience.

We developed a user-friendly, convenient, and reliable application with just a few steps required to manage its assets online.

<Auxility created an excellent trading interface, integrating the best banking UI practices with easy-to-read charts, funds & securities reviews, and other relevant data./>
To provide users with a better experience, we have also implemented such functionalities as two-factor authentication, personal account management, and Facebook feed integration.
With a combination of Arial font and a simple color palette of black, turquoise, red, and white, we've created an environment for better data consumption and user navigation within the app. It's also visually appealing.
Our vision
We focused on better data consumption and user interaction

Choose your side
ICU has both dark and light theme mode. The mode can be adjusted automatically based on the system settings, changed according to the market status or set manually.



<Auxility engineering team's biggest challenge was connecting the app with Ukrainian stock exchanges. Through careful coordination, we created a software layer that addressed the issue./>
The biggest challenge for our dev team was connecting the app to Ukrainian stock exchanges. A major difficulty was that there are two stock excxanges in Ukraine, but only one of them has an API. Web hooks and triggers are a rare find too.
Unfortunately, the only well-documented API is quite unstable and has several design flaws—ultimately becoming a pain for exchange market integration. Our team developed a middleware layer to help tackle this issue through tight communication.
Auxility is fast and agile when it comes to mobile apps, as we integrate Firebase and Node.js into our app development process.
ICU required an implementation of a lightweight middleware backend to track stock exchange data and send push notifications regarding important events through FCM.

We've created a small Node.js web-service to transfer Facebook news feed directly into the app. Why use a CMS when you have a Facebook page anyway?
Most beneficial sections
Each section was designed to make it easier for users to navigate and collect data.
<Personal Account>
A user-friendly personal account with all relevant information in regards to trading and asset management.


<Stay Secure>
We take data privacy and protection seriously. Any operation is secured with a two-factor authentication process.

Simple and nimble process to manage your assets right in your app, avoiding lengthy calls to brokers with even longer authentication and acquisition.

<Be Up to Date>
As the icing on the cake, we have developed a Facebook feed to keep users on track with all relevant news.

What our clients say
Intuitive interface helps beginner traders understand the trading process faster, increasing the retention rate by 40%

We partnered with Auxility to build a trading app that connects to Ukrainian stock exchanges. The team took great care in developing an intuitive trading interface. It also came up with a middleware layer to connect the app to Ukrainian stock exchanges, as only one of the two existing exchanges in Ukraine had an API.

We approached Auxility to develop an asset & investment management app with convenient access to the Ukrainian trading platform, real-time updates, and two-step authentication security for a flawless user-market interaction. The team developed a highly functional trading platform with an easy-to-use interface, which draws on the best banking UI practices and contains highly relevant data. We have undoubtedly achieved our goal of creating something unique!

Auxility's reputation and well-built online presence played a key role in our decision to choose them. And they have lived up to their reputation! They were able to overcome the most complicated technical obstacles quickly, and their ability to identify which features are essential and eliminate those that hinder efficiency has been invaluable.

Collaborate with us
We are passionate investors in great ideas, helping businesses to bring their vision to life and drive the global innovation forward.

See next project

Even though ICU remains one of the top brokers in Ukraine, it lacked a mobile application for asset management. The website's UX couldn't deliver an optimal experience for beginner investors.
Ukraine lacks any applications for managing domestic government bonds. Ukraine's largest bank, PrivatBank, was the only one testing the waters, but it has since aborted engineering and released no such application. The challenge is only for some.